Program for easy communication with mobile phones over serial cable or infrared link
Current version is 0.6
Program will communicate with mobile phones over serial cable (or infrared
link using virtual COM port) using AT commands. I have Ericsson R320s, so only
this phone is tested. It will very probably work with all new Ericsson
models. It should also work with most of other phones - except extended battery
info in Status window. Write me whether your phone works or not and I will try
to fix it. I could have tested also my friends' phones, but I don't have
connectors/cables for them. Other testes models: Ericsson T20.
It is programmed in Microsoft Visual Fox Pro, because of easy manipulation with
databases, where all numbers & sms are stored. It makes some problems with
communication, but at this point it works OK, but do only one thing with phone
at time (e.g. no SMS download while Status window is open). It should work,
but I'm not sure if always.
- Data stored in 2 DBF files (one for phonebook and one for SMS)
- Online/Offline mode support - you can for example view old messages without having phone connected
- Powerful SMS browser with filters, different sort orders, search...
- Shows name instead of number when available
- Status window - reception level (dBm), RX quality (% loss), current status (home net, roaming, idle, call active, ringing), battery level
- Status window - Ericsson battery - actual capacity (mAh), current voltage, battery type (LiIon, NiMH, ...), consumption (mA), battery and phone temperature
- Pop-up window on incoming call showing caller's number/name (only when CLIP is received) + sound alert
- SMS: download, browse (edit, delete, reply, forward), sending
- SMS download: all, read, unsent, sent; from SIM/phone
- Phonebook: only download; edit/upload in future versions
- Phonebook download: from SIM/phone; select range
- Phonebook is used when displaying and sending SMS messages (will show names instead of numbers)
- Command-line parameters:
/NoPhone - start in off-line mode
/Status - show Status window on start & hide main (on close restore main wnd)
/StatusOnly - same as above, but on close exit
/Log - Enable debug mode; will create file mpm.dbg in current directory; send me this file in something goes wrong
/NoEric - don't show extended battery info in Status window (use it if your phone doesn't support AT*EBCA=0 command)
Some notes/bugs/TODO:
- Implement default GSM alphabet to ISO 8859-1 conversion (because of lack of this, some chars from SMS messages are incorrect, e.g. @)
- Implement 8bit SMS download
- Better documentation / help
- Warning: Phonebook download won't work when you have "@" char in some name (because of different coding, this will become ASCII 0 and will broke the MSComm activeX component)
- Warning: Program won't notify you when unsupported SMS type is received
INSTALL: Copy MS VFP runtime DLLs to Windows\System directory
(or to program dir). Copy MS Comm32 component to program dir and finally copy
program binary (mpm.exe) into that dir. Run it with "/NoPhone" parameter for
the 1st time and set-up COM port parameters. They are saved into windows
registry. After going to on-line
mode, you should see phone name in the title of main window (e.g. (ERICSSON
connected)). If it isn't there, phone failed to respond. First check-out
if the cable is working in some terminal program (e.g. Hyper-terminal). Sometimes
windows blocks the port, so it seems as cable failure. Reboot should help :)
Some screenshots
Status window when call is active
SMS browser where you can view/edit/delete messages
Writing new SMS message (last row of buttons are templates)
Buttons from left to right:
New database, open db, close db
send sms (not working yet), download sms from phone, open sms browser
name of currently open database
enter on-line mode, enter off-line mode, show status window
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(c) 2001, Marki - feel free to ask me any questions at