Simulator for RGB LED Controller

Sequences for Standalone PWM controller for RGB LEDs using 12F6xx PIC
(also works for other RGB LED lights with PWM controller from

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Please paste here exactly 1 sequence:

Format: dt rate,hold,r,g,b

Some example sequences (take from source code of Picprojects RGB LED Controller)
Sequence ends with "dt 255" code - so after it, new sequence starts
	dt 1,0,255,0,0
	dt 1,0,0,255,0
	dt 1,0,0,0,255
	dt 255	

	dt 3,0,64,64,0
	dt 2,0,128,128,0
	dt 1,0,240,240,0
	dt 1,0,128,128,0
	dt 2,0,64,64,0
	dt 3,0,0,0,0
	dt 3,0,64,0,64
	dt 1,0,240,0,240
	dt 1,0,64,0,64
	dt 3,0,0,0,0
	dt 3,0,0,64,64
	dt 1,0,0,240,240
	dt 1,0,0,64,64
	dt 3,0,0,0,0
	dt 255

	dt 0,5, 255, 0  , 0	;
	dt 1,0, 0  , 0  , 0	;
	dt 0,5, 0  , 255, 0	; 
	dt 1,0, 0  , 0  , 0	; 
	dt 0,5, 0  , 0  , 255
	dt 1,0, 0  , 0  , 0
	dt 255		; end of sequence

	dt 2,1,255,0,0
	dt 2,1,0,255,0
	dt 2,1,0,0,255
	dt 255		; end of sequence		
	dt 2,1,255, 64, 0
	dt 2,1,64 , 0,  255
	dt 2,1,0, 255,  64
	dt 255		; end of sequence

	dt 0, 254, 255, 0, 0	; Red
	dt 255 		; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,0,255,0	; Green
	dt 255		 ; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,0,0,255	; Blue
	dt 255 		; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,240,0,240	; Purple
	dt 255 		; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,255,155,0	; Orange
	dt 255		 ; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,240,240,240	; White Bright
	dt 255 		; end of sequence

	dt 0,254,128,128,128	; White Half
	dt 255 		; end of sequence
	dt 0,254,48,48,58	; White Low
	dt 255 		; end of sequence

	dt 0,1,255,0,0
	dt 0,1,0,255,0
	dt 0,1,0,0,255
	dt 255

	dt 3,0,128,128,128
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,0,0,0
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,0,0,0
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,0,0,0
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,0,0,0
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,0,0,0
	dt 0,1,200,255,255
	dt 0,1,128,128,128
	dt 2,2,0,0,0
	dt 255
	dt 6, 10, 255, 0, 0	; Spectum fade
	dt 6, 10, 255,255,0
	dt 6, 10, 0, 255,0
	dt 6, 10, 0, 255,255
	dt 6, 10, 0, 0, 255
	dt 6, 10, 255,0,255
	dt 255		 ; end of sequence
	dt 25, 254, 255, 0, 0	; Spectum fade slow
	dt 25, 254, 255,255,0
	dt 25, 254, 0, 255,0
	dt 25, 254, 0, 255,255
	dt 25, 254, 0, 0, 255
	dt 25, 254, 255,0,255
	dt 255		; end of sequence
	dt 4, 10, 254, 32, 0	; warm 
	dt 4, 10, 254,128,0
	dt 4, 10, 254,240,0
	dt 4, 10, 128,240,0
	dt 255		; end of sequence
	dt 4, 10, 0,16,255	; cool
	dt 4, 10, 0,128,255
	dt 4, 10, 0,240,128
	dt 4, 10, 16,16,240
	dt 4, 10, 240,16,240
	dt 4, 10, 64,0,250
	dt 255		; end of sequence
	dt 10,4, 240,0,240	; purple
	dt 10,4, 32,0,240
	dt 10,4, 128,0,128
	dt 10,4, 240,0, 32
	dt 255		 ; end of sequence

	dt 0,5,0,0,10		; dim blue 
	dt 0,5,0,0,0		; off
	dt 255		; end of sequence
	dt 255		; end of all data

(C) 2009 by Marki - Send me your suggestions, bugs, ideas to email address in image.